Thursday, March 8, 2012

Eat, Drink and Enjoy an Exhibit.

Please join us for the 26th edition of MWC (formerly Club Blatz) Photography Exhibit, alcohol tasting, fantastic food eating, hobnobbing with awesome people event.

6-9 p.m. this Saturday night, March 10th, at Arnold's Bar & Grill

We have a great group of photographers showing this month - here's a little bit of info about each of them along with an example of their work~

Kenny Dunn - Born in Cincinnati in 1956 and I have always lived in the area. I've enjoyed viewing pictures and picture taking for many years. I've always been intrigued by viewpoints of life captured in a split second and enjoy sharing mine also.



Jim Kramer - I first became interested in photography in the 1980's. I enjoy shooting architectural, infrared, and high speed water drop collisions. My equipment is all Canon, including 2 infrared only bodies.  Most of my attention lately has been on my water drop photography.  



Chuck Madden - I'm in my third year as hobby photographer. I am Nikon user and enjoy taking photographs of various subjects from nature to concert photography. At heart I am a documentarian so my future photos will lead further down that road.



Andrea McClain - I am a wife to a wonderful husband who supports my dreams, a very proud mother to a teenage daughter, a preschool teacher to lots of sweet children, and a photographer who loves taking photos of just about anything with nature and still life's being my favorites. I love photographing the beauty that surrounds me.  



Lisa Muvich - I'm a marketing professional whose passion is photography. While I prefer nature and wildlife photography, I recently spent five weeks in Paris through a study abroad program at Northern Kentucky University in which I got to photograph some of Paris's most beautiful landmarks and historical sites. This Saturday I'll be showing work from my Paris trip.


Ashleigh Pylar - I am currently a senior in UC’s early childhood program as well as an art lover that dabbles in many different mediums. My true art passion lies in photography! I like pushing myself to create images that are unique and unexpected.


As always, we would like to thank the lovely and talented Ronda Breeden Androski and her husband Bret Androski, the owners of Arnold's, along with Ronda's son Chris Breeden and the entire crew at Arnold's.

The directions are on their website, along with the menu - come have dinner before or after you see the exhibit, their food is amazing:

Arnold's Bar & Grill


  1. I love the bios and info on here! I regret that I won't be able to make this show or the next couple of ones, but I know you guys understand. :-)

  2. Love the bios and photos! Great idea! Hope to see yopu all tomorrow night!

  3. Of course I won't be able to be there. Why do you guys only plan these events when I am not in town?

  4. We had loads of fun. I will be back next time!
