Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Five & Five with Nancy Germer

The spotlight today is on Nancy Germer, another great Misfit photographer, she was nice enough to answer my questions and share some photographs.  

1.  List your gear here:
I shoot with Canon gear. I have two bodies, the Canon 5DMKII and the Canon 1DMKIV.   I have quite an assortment of lenses and other gear. It's not always the gear that makes the photo though:)  Because I've taken some very nice shots with my iPhone!...And, of course, Photoshop can do wonders!! LOL

2.  When did you first become interested in photography?
Looking back, I guess I've always been a visual person. I liked to take photos way back, even as a child.   Eventually, I bought a film camera, a 35mm Canon AE1. But I never did relish the idea of developing my own film..and really as a school teacher, I had little time to spend on this hobby. I retired 4 years ago, and during that time photography has become a passion...now that I have some time to do it!!

3.  So, I hear you like Pugs.  Are they more fun to shoot than say, Labradors...or elephants?  
Funny!! Pugs are my other passion. In fact, I bred show pugs and showed them myself for 15 years. (Another expensive hobby, btw)  They are NOT fun to shoot...they wiggle way too much and won't sit still! I think they believe the camera is some sort of food...they are NOT the "brightest bulbs in the box!!"  I'd rather shoot elephants..they are slower!!

4.  At the upcoming exhibit at Arnold's you are the sole female representation.  What do you think you can bring to the show that the boys cannot? 
I have no clue.... I strive to be as unique and creative, and memorable as I can be with my style of photography... But aren't all photographers... 

5.  As a fan of your landscape photography, I want you to list 5 places that you would like to shoot.  A Landscape Photography "bucket list":
Thank you! Great to have fans! Well, my bucket list would have to include:
Paris or anywhere in Europe, Utah/Nevada/NewMexico (out West USA), Holland, Egypt, Africa (all of these take moolah to go to)
I also have an interest in aerial landscape photography...know any pilots?

Nancy will be showing her work this Saturday night at Arnold's.  If you would like to see more before then, click on her smug mug link below:


Arnold's Website

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