Friday, April 6, 2012

Five & Five - Dan Justes

Five questions & Five photographs - Today's spotlight on Dan Justes~

(Legendary Photographer, Local Superhero and all around Halfway Decent Guy...most of the time).  

1.  List your gear:

Nikon D7000.
Various lenses and flashes.
And of course Mandy’s stuff.

2.  When did you first get serious about Photography?

Serious? Have you even seen my stuff?

3.  Describe your style for our readers.

I don’t have style. Or class for that matter.

But if you are referring my photography style… I think I’m still discovering it.
I have been leaning towards low key, dramatic lighting for portraits.
I am fond of light hearted shots. (Which you will see at the Show at Arnolds on the 14th.)
I love taking shots using a unique technique, like dangling my camera from a rope off a bridge.

4.  You're a brand new grandfather.  Is your granddaughter blind yet from all the pictures you've been taking?

No. One should N E V E R use flash when photographing infants.  I love taking her picture. She is such a ham.

5.  Photography Bucket List:  Give me 5 people or places you would like to shoot before you...well, you know...

I don’t have a people or places bucket list. I had one and I did it already. (Having the opportunity to take photos from top of the Roebling Bridge .)
I have a few benchmarks I would like to hit in my photography career and those change constantly.
 My biggest benchmark that I’m willing or am allowed to discuss would be getting a cover of a high circulation magazine.
I really enjoy giving myself projects that no one else has ever done and making them a reality.

Come to Arnold's and see Dan's work, Saturday April 14th at Arnold's Bar & Grill 6-9 pm 

You can also view more of his work at the websites below:


  1. HA! Funny, I was talking about low key and I submitted a high key. Pure class.

  2. love your work,dan! nice interview. see you saturday!

