Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Five & Five with Connie Sanders

I sat down over the internet to interview the busiest member of the Misfits group.  I dare you to say otherwise!

1.  List your gear.

Like some photographer friends, I am becoming an “equipment junkie.”  I own and use several Nikon digital SLR cameras, the main ones being the D300s and D90. I still shoot occasionally with one of my film SLRs (two Nikons and a Yashica TL Electro).

Of my “collection” of several lenses, my favorites are the Nikkor 18-200mm and the 105mm macro.  I use typical accessories, such as flash and tripods, and studio equipment that I set up for portraits.

2.  Tell us how you got started in Photography.

I have had some kind of camera since I was about seven—Brownie, Instamatic—remember those? Because my grandfather published a weekly newspaper, I got “exposed” to good cameras.  My mother shot photos for the paper, using an old bellows-type camera.  I spent some time in the darkroom, watching my younger cousin develop film.  Later, when we both were in college, he helped me pick out my first serious camera, the Yashica I mentioned.  With the exception of a built-in light meter, it is totally manual, and because of this, I was able to learn a great deal about using a camera.

3.  You are a musician and a teacher and photographer - do you ever get to combine the three?  or two of the three?  

For the past couple years, I have taught some photography classes at my middle school. We use point and shoot digitals, but occasionally I let a student who shows interest try out my Nikon D50.  I also have made photos of students and events around the school for use in the school yearbook.

Combining photography with music is a bit more difficult, simply because I usually am participating in the music.  However, I have shot musical events at my church, such as children’s choir camp and music workshops.

4.  A lot of us know you as the PomMom - do your pups like their picture taken or do you have to bribe them to get a shot?

I am convinced that Gizmo was a convict in a former life.  If he sees a lens pointed at him, he immediately turns to the side! I have learned, however, that bribery is very effective. In a couple of “formal” photo shoots with him, he posed willingly as long as treats were involved.  Kira does not seem to mind being photographed, but I haven’t tried a formal shoot with her yet.

5.  You show a lot of your work locally.  How did you get started with networking with the businesses in your area and have you had many sales?
Often it is a right place/right time situation, and several of these developed at about the same time that got the ball rolling for me.  When the Fusion Gallery opened in Bellevue, the owners took an interest in my work and offered room for some of my pieces.  That led to other venues in town.
Through a dining group, I met an artist whose studio is in the Essex.  She has graciously given me space there to display my work, and I have been able to show at a couple other venues because of contacts made through her.
I have participated in a women’s art exhibit at Christ Church Cathedral and have done a solo show there.  I also began portrait photography when several friends from there asked me to do head shots for them.  Later I was asked to do other portraits for the cathedral.
The Capture Cincinnati contest of several years ago probably had the greatest impact on my work.  Through it, I met many local photographers and became involved with photography groups such as the Ohio Valley Camera Club and Misfits with Cameras. These groups have provided opportunities to exhibit, and their members have shared information, techniques, and advice that have helped me improve my work.
As someone who works full-time at another job—and participates in three musical ensembles, I don’t have as much time as I would like to promote my work. Considering the current economy, however, I have been fairly pleased with sales, having sold one or more pieces at most of the places I’ve exhibited.  I’ve also sold online via Fine Art America and my own website for Constance Sanders Photography. 

Connie will be showing her work this Saturday night at Arnold's Bar & Grill at the June Misfits With Cameras exhibit from 6-9 pm on the second floor.

To see more of work visit her website

Directions to Arnold's

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